Sunday, January 13, 2008


Tomorrow. 4 pm. It's been a month since I've had to sit in a dentist chair for a routine checkup and now I have to return.

Pshaw! I don't even care.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

1.2.08 -Willkommen 2008! (Visit 28)

Happy New Year NYU College of Destiny! Happy New Year -easy analogy- Orwell Chairs! Happy New Year Dental Dams! Spacers! Extraction trays! Nitrous Happy New Year!

My oral surgeon (not my dentist,hereafter, destinist) is under the impression that I love a raucous fiesta.

Me: I had a calm night. Not much drinking.
Him: Pfft. That's horrible, man.
Me: It's not too bad. In my experience, the worse the New Year's the better the year. At least to me.
Him: Well, mine was crazy. A calm New Year's is no fun. I was at this party -- four girls -- crazy party. When the ball was dropping, these girls -- you can see the ball drop from my friend's apartment -- at the stroke of midnight, four of them, were in the bathroom together all throwing up in one...thing..."

Willkommen 2008!

Extraction (Visit 29)

Thursday, 12.14.07. 6 pm

Molar #14 was extracted today. Said tooth sized up to approx. 3/4 of an inch.

Imagine someone grabbing a part of your jaw -- a small part, say, about two cm in diameter total -- and applying the pressure needed to wrench a signpost from cement.

That's what this felt like.